The construction of the big interchange at Vega in Handen, on Road 73 also known as Nynäsvägen is an accident waiting to happen according to one of the workers. Motorists are driving way too fast here and someone will die soon according to that same worker. I stood on one of the bridges here on Saturday and I would have to agree with the anonymous worker. Road 73 is the motorway going to Stockholm.
I can understand it. There is a great amount of highway construction and repair around downtown St. Louis at the moment. Sometimes you will see a sign that says "Hit A Worker - One Year In Jail, $5,000 Fine."
It wouldn't happen if people weren't always in such a hurry and drove sensibly Steffe, but when have people ever done the right thing before ☺
I can see that being problematic.
What a mess. People in a hurry will just add to it.
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