This little blue sign cracks me up every time I see it. It sits on a wall at the industrial area in central Handen. Translated it means something like, don't walk on the lawn, or careful with the lawn. Which is kind of funny as the photo shows the entire lawn. The other sign says no parking.
Skylthumor, älskar den! Det ligger något lågmält, försiktigt och vädjande i uttrycket på den blå skylten. Inga pekpinnar som i den nära placerade förbudsskylten. Att gräsmattan består av 58 strån och 80 maskrosor är en helt annan sak... ;-)
Definitely not much of a lawn!
Well it might not be a big lawn, or even a lawn at all ☺ but those little yellow daises do look very pretty against the blue wall, I like this composition very much Steffe.
There was an old American pop song (The Four Seasons, I think) about let's hang on to what we got.
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