Nu sunshine in Stockholm and Södertörn for the last two weeks. It's been a nasty fortnight with strong winds, gray skies and a few rain showers. The only upside have been the Autumn colors. This was the scene at the old tree yesterday. Most of the leaves are gone now, the tree is ready for Winter, I'm not.
The most famous old tree on the web !
I can't imagine your blog without it... I like it.
Fall has definitely finished up with the old tree!
Oh! Poor old tree, it doesn't seem to have had it's leaves nearly long enough!
Det var väldigt vad få löv trädet har kvar på sina grenar. Jag tänkte faktiskt på det idag när jag var ute och åkte på lunchen att nu är tyvärr stunden kommen då hösten gör sig påmind på allvar eftersom det börjar glesna på trädens grenar. Löven yrde i luften.
Det har sannerligen inte varit särskilt muntert utomhus de senaste två veckorna. Mulet, mulet, mulet. Och lite regn på det. Nej tack.
It looks bleak!
The old tree is now ready, strong and willing for winter's arrival. It's good to see it once again.
Good to see the old tree as you move into winter. Sorry to see the end of summer.
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