My street is called Södertäljevägen. It starts at the Tungelsta commuter station. And ends at Cafe Rosenhill. It is a two lane road also known as Länsväg 257. I live at number 12. The top left photo shows the road on a fun day a few years ago when a truck dumped a load of clay on it! The house to the right was destroyed in a fire a few years ago, but has since been rebuilt. It is known as Manhem, and that is also where the third photo was taken. When I shot that scene the lorry driver was trapped under his truck. The road is dangerous and we see many accidents. Especially during the summer months when the bikers are out on the road. Their goal is always that cafe I mentioned. One thing you would have seen driving on this road during the last century would have been any of the many greenhouse nurseries. The one you see here was known as Graneberg. It closed just a couple of years ago. On the top right you can see Håkstorp a cottage built back in 1690. You will see that house soon after passing the hill where the lorry accident took place. The cows lives at the Haga farm. Below the cows you can see the abandoned filling station I showed you last winter. The good news here is that it will reopen as a Gulf station very soon. I took the photo two days ago. And speaking about re-openings, the Inn just across the road from me will open next month although it is hard to believe looking at the photo on the bottom left. Another property you can spot from the road is Djurgårdsgrind (with the fluffy cloud), where famous author Ivar Lo-Johansson lived when he was a kid. Sadly the buildings are decaying badly and last I heard the property was for sale. Driving along Södertäljevägen you are likely to see a horse or two like the one in the snow I photographed two days ago. I could go on and on but surely this is enough.
It is a pretty interesting street with a lot of stuff going on.
The collage is a great idea and such a richness of things happening on your street. That horse is very sweet.
Never a dull moment on your street with a collage to prove it!
You described very well your street with images and words. I don't even have the characters on my keyboard to write its fascinating (for me) name, but I really like it!
Wonderful photos from your street.
For a two-lane road, you sure have a most interesting street!
I like your collage-look today.
So much going on on your street. Never a dull moment. Great collage.
great collage of photos, telling many stories!
What an interesting street it turns out to be - - my street is here.
great description and collage!
I like your idea of presenting your street with a series of images, so we can see in different ways how beautiful it is.
Great post! I am beginning to think that all City daily Photo bloggers live on unusual streets.
Quite an interesting bit of activity on your street. I love the way you have shown different seasons. :)
A nice tour you have given us!
Great collage, and comprehensive narrative!
Interesting collage and narrative. Love the horse!
I never tire reading about your experiences! A wonderful interpretation of the theme.
Three more photos and you have yourself a wonderful calendar. Wonderful collection of life in your street. Cheers!
You have a very interesting street. Very nice presentation too.
Definitely the busiest street I've seen for the theme Steffe, fabulous view of your street.
Nice overview!!
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