Swedish word of the day. Rimfrost. Hard rime. Cold day. Around -13C when I took this photo of white ice on a couple of birch trees at Lillgården in Tungelsta. The panorama shows Mulsta, a field with a new road and a forest at Lillgården. The photo is huge in the original size. Wider than PS can work with so I had to resize it a bit. If your computer can handle large photos
press here to see the original size.
That is truly cold looking. Brrr. And the photo strip is terrific, even if I can't open it up.
Oh fantastic. I love cold.
It was like that over here this morning, although it has melted off the trees now. We call it rime or hoar frost over here. When the sun shines on it, it is so beautiful.
Beautiful shots! I feel cold just looking at them.
Thanks for your comment at Sequim Daily Photo today. I'm glad to have better information on hats and body heat loss.
Brrrrrrr! Starkly beautiful. We think it is cold in the UK at present but it is 10C warmer than with you!
Yes, I can get it bigger - stunning. The rimfrost makes up for it being so cold. It's beautiful.
Now, that looks cold but beautiful. The panoramic shot is fantastic.
No can do with the panoramic Steffe, bet it look fantastic..brrrrr I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like!
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