There was a lunchtime concert at the Cultural Centre in Handen yesterday. On stage were the band VildirHeart from Haninge. They describe their music as Alternative Pop. It's a family affair. On grand piano and vocals, Karin Dietrichson. She started the band three years ago, and when she asked her children to join her in the band, they said yes. On vocals then is Maria Dietrichson who you can see on the second photo, I liked her look, and figured I needed to take another portrait. On bass and vocals, Fredrik Dietrichson. Also in the band, but not playing today is drummer and percussionist Christoffer Lindgren. The band released their first album last year. It is called The Core.You can hear four of their songs at
SoundCloud. A few songs also available at
Spotify. On Friday they played a few cover songs from Hästpojken and Eldkvarn, and of course material from their debut album. If you want to see them
check out this video. I got a copy of the album and after a first listen I have to say that I like it. It has a nostalgic feel to it. And what is a bit unusual, they sing in both Swedish and English. And if you want to buy a copy of The Core you can do so at
CD Baby.