An IFR equipped Bell 206-3 Long Ranger III from Arlanda Helicopter. They have a heliport at Gamla Stan in Stockholm. I could hear the helicopter closing in and it landed just a few meters from me in Handen yesterday. I'm guessing someone called for a helicopter taxi and needed to get to Arlanda in a hurry. This helicopter is also used by the armed forces as an ISF trainer.
Great! I like!
tres bon titre ;))
It must be tricky to fly a helicopter right to the ground in the crowded old town in the middle of Stockholm.
It must be really expensive.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
How was he able to land there without cutting down a bunch of branches?! Did one of the ABBA singers need an express ride to Arlanda?!~
Om det var under eftermiddagen så var det både polis och ambulanser som ryckte ut när jag åkte förbi centrum, kanske hade det med det att göra?
Några minuter efter att jag tagit bilderna på helikoptern så såg jag en brandbil vid kulturhuset, tror att det var en brand vid Haninge Centrum. Läste någonstans att branden redan var släckt när brandförsvaret kom dit.
Stilige bilder, der var du på rett sted til riktig tid. Bravo :-)
I love the grey colors, both from the helicopter and apartment building, and the red bits..
Wonderful photograph!
Well, my friend, now you'll know what to do if you need to get somewhere in a hurry!
Nice shots!
Re your comments on Ocala DP: Yes, if your neighbors have cameras pointed your way you will definitely have to behave for a change! ;-)
And the fire rescue truck, was, I think, responding to a medical emergency because there were no other fire trucks following. Or, maybe they were just in a hurry to get bagels.
Aha, probably the bagels then!
Imponerende landing!
Sikkert en dyr og viktig tur til Arlanda!
Unike foto, annerledes enn det meste her på citydailyphoto.
looks awfully close to those trees
You can thank the zoom lens for that Mo.
Wow, that's amazing!
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