One of the local squirrels (we like to call them ekorrar), came over for a visit today. There's an empty bird feeder on this birch tree next to the veranda at Bergdalen. That can be very upsetting for a hungry squirrel, hence the stare down, which was won by the squirrel I might add, as I have now refilled the feeder. As I took this photo it started to snow and I'm guessing we will get a few centimetres of snow now.
Oh, greattttttttttttttt...!! Perfect!
très beau cet écureuil sous la neige
Oh my God, poor squirrel. I don't want to be there.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
Excellent! Great slide show!
Amazing photos--you've captured some prize moments here with such clarity.
What a cutie!
Fantastic shot! Looks right out of a National Geographic magazine.
Yesterday's slide show was gorgeous, today's slide show brought a huge smile to my face. Such cute photos!
How could you ever say no to a look like that? Fantstic squirrel pictures!
Nice portrait of that cute bugger! They can really clean out a bird feeder!
Mr Tufty and his friends too! Oh Steffe you are so lucky to have these delightful squirrels to photograph.
So cute, great capture.
I love those ears!! You have the cutest squirrels at your place. I would sit and watch them all day.
Another one of your portraits. Does he have a girl friend and what year of school is he in?
En fantastisk serie med fantastiske foto!!
Great slide show, fantastic captures of the big eared guys!
Gud så sött! Jag blir alldeles matt. Fast några (eller var det samma?) hade bedrövliga svansar, som såg alldeles malätna ut. Stackarna :)
I was completely entertained by your portraits of the squirrels. Those tufts of fur on their ears are too cute.
Thanks all.
It's been a tough winter for everyone birds and squirrels included. The feeder is half full now so someone has been there eating!
Det kan ha varit samma ekorrar. Katten har dödat en tre fyra stycken det sista året.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these squirrels!!!
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