It was almost like an early spring day yesterday. At least around lunch time in Handen. And if you have good imagination. The sun was shining from a clear blue sky so I decided to shoot a street portrait. This is Petra. She was out on a promenade, heading for Lake Rudan when I met her. Petra works as a teacher at the nearby Fredrika Bremer secondary school, where she teaches history and religion. I told her that I probably must have photographed one or two of her students in the last three years. Petra is an avid reader and keeps fit by jogging. She also enjoys travelling and one favorite place she has visited is Israel.
This is a most engaging portrait, Steffe. I like the uncompromising look directly into the camera, with just a hint of a smirk. The straight back, the hands in pockets.
I also like the way you have allowed the sun to play with the strands of hair and soften the face.
Quite lovely ...
It is good to see one of your portraits again. I am going to pretend that it is a harbinger of the end of winter . . .
Hey, I taught history. But none of the history teacher I knew looked like this!
Nice portrait, as usual.
Ah, do you play golf? There are some very fine Swedish golfers...I'll have to check to see if your name comes up...OK?
I bet she could teach you a thing or two, Steffe! Nice portrait of the lovely history teacher
What a glorious portrait of her. Love the setting as well.
tres beau portrait dans la neige, tres serieuse, normal pour une prof
WIth a name like Petra, it is no wonder that she teaches history and likes to travel to the Middle East, although I would think that she would like Jordan.
Although you described the day as being like Spring, I think it will be a while before she can resume her running outdoors.
An unusual portrait of a very interesting subject. History is my passion and I have been several times in Israel. But I don't jog, ever...
We also had very sunny day. Some birds were confused and sang like crazy.
I like your photo-portraits.
I love the light on her hair and her strong and enigmatic attitude.
Fint bilde av "The History Teacher" Jeg har en datter med det samme lange lyse håret.
I, too, love the light on her. . .as if her wisdom glows or attracts the light.
I could like history AGAIN! Yes, nice portrait.
i love your ability to get all genres of people to pose for you.
Meaningful photo, you captured her essence and I like her fashion style too, that purple scarf is just perfect with her black coat.
Very nice portrait.
I still am VERY SHY in taking pictures to people. Do you always ask? And you you tell it's for your blog?
Thanks Julie, this was a quick one Petra only had a few minutes so I only took two quick photos. I figured the light would be best from this angle so I asked her to move and it worked out fine.
That sounds good to me Jack.
That's because we are all unique Jacob! and no, I don't play golf.
You are probably right Leif.
No worries Dave, I met joggere every day. All you have to do is wear some winter shoes.
It's a serious job teaching, so you could be right about that Olivier.
I used to jog once or twice a week, but I prefer the bike these days.
That sounds like a spring sign to me Irina.
I have shot more than 500 portraits by now so have pretty good routine Patrizia. I'm also shy and that's why I took the challenge a few years ago and joined the 100 strangers project over at flickr.
cool blog keep it up :)
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