Whenever I spot a photographer (or two), these days, I always close in on them and start talking. This is Josefin and her good friend Victor. They live in Handen and that's where I met them a few days ago. They were zooming in on some flowers but had time to chat a bit about photography and a few other things. The beautiful Josefin works in sales and has photography as a hobby. Victor works as an assistant to an architecture photographer. At the moment they are busy with the new Stockholm Waterfront project. Victor is planning to take a photography course in the near future. As you can see he is very fit, and that is thanks to all the ice-hockey he has played. As you would expect with photographers these two felt more at home behind the camera, and they were a bit picky, but in the end I got a few photos that they liked!
Fantastic portraits and commentary :-)
la guerre Nikon/Canon. Pour une fois je serais Canon ;o))
Yes, I particularly like the single shot of Victor. Do you show all of your models the shots you've taken and get approval on the ones you'll keep?
Not really, but I often ask if they would like to have a look at the photos just in case,and some people are grateful for that. Victor was very picky and he knew it. He wouldn't even et his friend look at him as I took the portrait of him! I have learned that it is better to take many different photos so that there are a few to choose from. And I usually tell people to email me if they want copies.
What a pretty girl. I think you captured the essence of these two photographers. I am supposed to type "lingsa" to validate this comment. Is that a pasta mixed with salsa?
i prefer the first ;-)
Great shots and it was very interesting to read about them. I enjoy your photos and the style that you discuss them.
Very interesting. I like these shots and info. I am a bit shy about talking to others an know I shouldn't be. MB
Great portraits! I like the idea to make portraits of photographers. Why don't you try to make a serial?
I like the part about being a bit picky, it sounds quite realistic for a photographer, even more for two.
I have already photographed quite a few photographers Antonia. I think I have posted all of them here. At least the ones that I have interviewed.
Who's Victor? Oh, the guy on the right. I see him now! I somehow missed him at first. Don't know why.
Looks like a shoot-out between Canon and Nikon. Both great cameras. I use Nikon. The problem is once you get into a system and have a bunch of lenses it is very difficult to change; not to mention expensive.
I'd say that these two enjoyed being photographed very much.
Typical Swedish beauty. I think the country must have the best looking women in the world. Either that, or you just manage to find the prettiest ones!
All three are nicely done, but I like the third shot the best.
Wow, very nice photos. The first one is my favorite!!
Ha en fin dag både med og uten kamera!:)
Interesting idea to shoot fellow photographers. Im sure there's a lot of interesting things to talk about..
- Mindless Mumbai
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