If you arrive to Handen by commuter train from Stockholm or Nynäshamn, this is what you will see if you look out the window towards Övre Rudasjön. Rudan is a very popular recreational area, only a few minutes walk from Handen city centre. And I have shown you many photos from this area before. This is a little red cottage by the water. Only a few meters from The Elephant Rock. If you have a photographic memory (bad joke of the day), you may recognize the view, as I shot a photo of this house a year ago. But that time without this beautiful fall reflection. On my visit yesterday I walked down to the little beach at the North end of the lake. In the summer time the beach is normally crowded, but this time of the year you will rarely meet someone here.
Well, Steffe, this is about as glorious as it gets. I'm so glad you returned there to catch these gorgeous reflections.
I agree with brattcat...this is glorious! Thanks!
I'm in awe, Steffe! It just doesn't get any better than this. Frame it and hang it!
Steffe, your timing was right on! I say frame it and hang it on your wall It's that good.
Lovely refelction! This looks like a really cool place!
- Pixellicious Photos
How beautiful - like a dream house.
les couleurs et le reflet, magique comme photo, j'adore
This is a super shot! I love the red cottages :-)
Have you had a dry summer? The water level looks low. As a result, we get that band of white rock that nicely creates a line of symmetry.
Fantastic shot! Congrats!
That is an awesome picture! I agree that it needs to be framed.
That is so beautiful! You have captured the glow in the water so well. I agree - frame it!
Stunning reflections. This is a gorgeous shot.
The best photo of the day. Fabulous photo and place.
Fab Fall foto, Steffe Meister, just fab!
Very pretty scenic. Autumn is by far the prettiest season.
I can't complain about the summer we had. So I guess that means it was a dry summer.I did take a bunch of similar photos at the lake. The one I might print looks a bit different. You can see it here. I will post another photo from the Rudan area tomorrow, one taken a few days earlier at the other lake.
This is one of the best fall images that I have seen this year. Spectacular!
love the colours - autumn is my fabourite season
Absolutely stunning.
Lots of good reflections around, but this is something different. May be it's only the beautiful place, but you got it right. Awesome image.
I's one of those place in Handen where I know that it is possible to get a cool reflection photo every now and then. Glad you like it.
Love the reflection -- beautiful color. (I enjoy your portraits!)
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