I'm on the bike at the automatic level crossing at Lida, waiting for the commuter train to pass. Malin who was out jogging in the sunshine, makes a comment about how typical it is to arrive just as a train is closing in, and we start talking. I notice that she is pregnant and Malin says that the baby is due in January. Boy or a girl, I ask. Don't know she says with a big smile. Malin who is a big animal lover opened a pet store with a couple of friends a few years back. It's still open but I now work for an insurance company she tells me. Once the baby is born I'm hoping that we can also add a dog to the family. Malin is a sporty girl, having played soccer for many years. As a kid she was into diving. Have you tried anything else I ask. Yes, para gliding she says. Cool, I reply, and start to tell her about one of my previous strangers, Johan Henschen who had an accident while para motoring abroad. She looks at me and laughs, that's my dad! How cool is that! Apparently Johan hasn't told his daughter about being photographed for the 100 Strangers Project, so I tell her the very interesting story that meeting generated. I've been reading a few articles in the media lately about the author Helena Henschen, who has written two very interesting books (one about a famous murder story in the family), and asks Malin if it is the same family. It is she says, Helena is my dads sister. That's enough coincidences for today and as the train has passed by a few minutes ago we say goodbye.
This is my 84th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
That's a great tale, and I'm still enjoying the project!
wonderful light on her face
Me too Kris! Thanks Ken Mac, I moved her around a bit, taking photos from different directions and this was probably the best photo. I'm glad she had the time it took for me to get it right!
isn't that the coolest coincidence? I love this series you have going. =)
Oops... I just saw the title of thisn post. *sheepish*
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