I was at Lake Rudan a few days ago and decided to find someone to photograph for the 100 Strangers Project. The first person I asked, a woman with a baby, turned me down, but just around the corner on the wooden promenade, I ran into these guys. Meet Jakob and Kenneth. Childhood friends from when they lived in Övik, in the north of Sweden. Jacob works in the pharmaceutical industry, and Kenneth at Trollebo, a nursing home for disabled kids. On their free time they enjoy working out in the gym. I asked if they had done any travelling and Jakob had been to New Delhi where he had watched a cricket match between India and South Africa without understanding the rules of the game, but it was still a rememberable experience. Kenneth told me about the time he was in Uganda, white water rafting on the river Nile, that sounds like something I would like to try some day. We then talked about this and that and the amazing weather, and then we said goodbye. This is my 22th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.