-12C and a lot of snowing. The message from the Swedish transport administration was clear. Leave your vehicle at home. Don't drive in this weather unless you really have to. In my area two of the busier roads, Väg73 and Väg 225, was closed for heavy traffic all day. And there were accidents happening everywhere. This poor Volvo was parked along the Tungelstavägen. The owner no where to be found. More info about the weather at
The Local.
That looks like a good snowfall. My kind of weather!
I remember driving in that kind of weather. In 1967, I drove to work on an evening (about 30 miles). I worked an evening shift. It snowed 24 inches that night. I didn't get home for 3 days! :)
Even in Amboise we got a little snow, maybe 4 cm at most. But for here that is a lot and it pretty much immobilizes the place. On the other hand, the sun just came out so it should be mostly gone by sundown. But it was nice while it lasted and I loaded up on blog shots.
We are to get snow tonight but not that cold so hopefully it will melt in a few days!
We are having unseasonal weather for the UK at the moment.
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