Times change. This was a church building up until a few years ago, today it houses a fitness center called iFORM. I have to confess to staying away from both churches and gyms as much as I possibly can. You can find it along Allévägen in Tungelsta. Photographed with my old canon 550 using the cheap Tamron zoom lens at 300mm.
That's quite a different use of the building. I like how you've photographed it.
Regardless of photo equipment, the picture works. I'm not much for churches or gyms, either, but I appreciate geometry, color and rhythm.
Nice angles! I guess both uses are dedicated to self-improvement with a dose of shame.
I photo-shopped a little here as there was an ugly old antenna on top of the roof.
Maybe you should go back and take a picture of the ugly antenna? That might be interesting too.
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