When I was a kid Gul&Blå was a very popular jeans brand. But I never owned a pair, I was more of a Wrangler kid. Gul&Blå means Yellow&Blue, which is a good title for this photo. The yellow letterbox is for national mail and the blue for local. As seen outside the kiosk near the Tungelsta commuter station a couple of days ago.
Ingenious way to sort mail.
Because a red post box would look so out of place Steffe 😋
Bilden växer tack vare att postlådorna är inbäddade i snö. Det är trots allt ett ganska propert par som står där sida vid sida. Färgerna avviker i sina nyanser från de svenska grundfärgerna, annars hade dessa lådor kunnat vara en symbol för vårt land.
Det blågula varumärket var inte heller något jag hade "förmånen" att bära och i sanningens namn kan jag inte tänka mig att jag fick varken Wrangler eller Lee heller. Levis kom att bli ett jeansmärke som blev stort efter mina barndomsår på 70-talet. Om jag minns rätt.
excellent like a comic
I wonder if people choose the wrong box sometimes...
That fits. Here it all ends up in the same mailbox.
And you put those colors together you've got Sweden! Fun shot. When I was growing up you had to wear Levis. In the early 1950s I bought them for $2.50 a pair. I had two pair. We had one kid come to school wearing a pair of khaki pants. We pantsed him and ran his pants up the flagpole. He wore Levis thereafter. I was not part of that. I watched. And kinda laughed.
A good way to sort the mail, bad if you are colour blind.
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