Friday, August 11, 2017


Swedish word of the day. Jobbar. Works, (for a living so I can afford this, okay?). Or something like that. As seen from the pedestrian bridge that crosses the busy Gudöbroleden.


Stuart said...

Maybe he works for Jabba the Hutt.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice, but not quite a family car hey Steffe 😀

Stefan Jansson said...

Wife could be in the trunk perhaps?

William Kendall said...

Cool car!

Kay said...

Nice ride but probably not what I'd need for towing a tiny trailer.

Bob Crowe said...

Looks great but there are many costs. I had a bottom-of-the-line Porsche when I was 40. It was a salesman's demo and not too expensive. Worst idea I ever had in my adult life.