We had a whisky testing evening a while back. At Norrby, that place with a view. One of the bottles we tried was a Swedish whisky brand from Gotland Whisky. It is called Isle of Lime. Their latest whisky went on sale at Systembolaget just a couple of days ago and people were queuing to get one of the 11000 bottles on sale. The bottle we tried was their second ever whisky and the owner of the bottle is also a shareholder in the brewery. After trying the three brands and enjoying some good food I decided to shoot an abstract of the Gotland whisky bottle and that is the top snap. Skål!
I love your abstract shot!
Nice abstract. I'm sure this conveyed your actual vision after sampling the whiskeys.
Very creative with that top shot!
I was a bit impressed with myself, it's not often that I operate a camera while drinking!
The second photo shows a most interesting bottle and label.
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