Winter came back. Just like that. Total chaos in the traffic of course. Accidents everywhere. This was the scene at Mulsta in Tungelsta earlier today. Mulsta is an old farm. The same family, the Anderson's have lived and worked there for three hundred years.
A beautiful new white blanket...
That's a long time. . .every..single..winter!!
Goodness that's a lot of snow for this time of year Steffe! It looks wonderful but I bet you're keen to see the end of it ☺
Wow! The gods of winter must have been really pissed at you folks. The Anderson farm? They may be my relatives. I'm sure there's very few Andersons in Sweden.
Completely buried!
March can be such fun!
Three hundred years? They must be getting tired...
The area from where I took this photo is undergoing a lot of change. There's a man-made hill,(mound made from sand and mud), on the field along the road. it's been there for a couple of years now. It's only temporary. I have walked up there a few times as it gives you a good view of the surrounding area. I took the photo halfway up that mound as I knew that the effect would be a good one. It gives the impression that we are almost buried under the snow which we are not.
I would like to be the person with a monopoly in selling red house paint in Sweden.
Love this one!
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