We celebrated Midsummer yesterday. The most important day of the year in this country. Facts here if you are interested. I downed a couple of these "Midsommarsnapsar" during the evening so I am a bit hungover today but that is nothing that a shower and a bike ride in the Summer weather can't fix.
That does look refreshing and I like the glass. Hope you feel better after your bike ride. Enjoy the weekend!
What a cool glass!
Åh, en riktig jamare. Najs. Mycket midsommartraditionellt och kanske en nödvändighet till sillen och potatisen?! Snygg bild hur som helst! :-)
I was there for Midsummer many years ago - it was fabulous!
I feel just fine Bill. We had the warmest day of the year today with 29C in Stockholm. I bought the glass at a market William, made by a local woman, well she painted the cats on the "nubbeglas".
Ha ha, den var bra Lasse.
I guess it can be quite exotic Pat.
In case anyone is wondering it is Gammeldansk in the glass, and I had one with dinner this evening as well.
I won't ask what's in the drink but it looks a lot like American Bourbon.
I am pleased that you had a good celebration!
Nice and cute image.
Two shouldn't cause much of a problem hey Steffe.. cheers 😃
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