I always try to keep my eyes open for anything new when I'm out and about. I guess that is something most photographers do. So I did spot these four concrete slabs that someone had dumped on a lawn near Poseidon's Square in Handen. A few days later they were still there and I started thinking that it might be some sort of art installation. So I asked my buddy Jim to meet me at the new "sculpture". when I got there he was standing on the concrete slabs. When he saw me he said, didn't you say that there's supposed to be a new art installation or sculpture somewhere around here? I cant find it. Then, when he sat down I told him that he was sitting on it. True story, promise!
Your story made me smile. You never know these days what people will call art :)
Konstinstallationer är knepiga. Påminns om den som roade sig med att lägga ut sina glasögon på golvet vid en vägg inne i ett konstgalleri och sedan fotade folk som grubblade, fotade och tolkade "konstverket". Fyra betongblock i en stapel kan säkert vara konst. I någons sinnevärld.
Kul bild på din kompis med tekniskt klurig touch!
Creatively done!
This is neo-modern art where the lack of color is in actuality, very rich color. You just can't see it because your plebeian mind has blocked your eye/brain connection. My eye/brain connection is very good. It's so good I can see three of your friends on this piece of s.. er, art. Sometimes I can see six. It depends upon how many martinis I've had.
I love it. Well conceived and well executed.
You are so clever. I don't know how to do that.
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