Washing clothes a century ago was really hard work, more than just pushing a few buttons on a modern washing machine. In my neck of the woods in Haninge, just south of the Swedish Capitol, laundry was big business back then. Earlier in the week I visited the local historical society, (free coffee and cake). Haninge hembygdsgille at Tingshuset in Västerhaninge where they had an open house. This old time clothesline was used to promote a new book about laundry back in the good old days. Klicka här för info om boken.
Great clothespins. Pity the sun is not backlighting the clothes. A lovely subject for a lot of painters in the past.
I love the fresh smell of laundry after it dries from being hung outside. Those handmade clothespins are unique.
Vilka härliga gamla klädesplagg! Och en nostalgisk tripp bakåt i tiden när man ser både klädstrecket och klädnypan som du så snyggt detaljfotograferat. Bra jobbat!
I never see clothes hanging on a line here any longer but, I have fond memories of helping my mother hang the clothes out when I was a little kid.
The clothespins are new to my eyes.
I was thinking those clothes looked historic!
With clothes and clothespins to match. A good reason to be careless about your clothes.
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