Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
A Winter Sign
It is getting colder. Winter is here. Ice are forming on the fields. Like here at Krigslida where a few tough grass straws have decided to give the ice a fight.
Bra återgivning av schysst motiv. Isen ser knastrigt torr ut men också spröd och tunn. De kämpande grässtråna utgör en intressant ögonfångare i bilden.
Oh I love this, beautiful icy forms... and that bit of green!
Spectacular in its own way!
There is beauty in all seasons, we just have to notice it.
It is beautiful!
Proof that winter can be beautiful!
That's a beautiful shot.
Mersad Donko Photography
Tell 'em it's a losing battle. The green fades to brown soon.
That's fantastic !
For the moment it is only a sign.
Bra återgivning av schysst motiv. Isen ser knastrigt torr ut men också spröd och tunn. De kämpande grässtråna utgör en intressant ögonfångare i bilden.
Superb texture of the ice with that incredible fight!
I wish it would stop raining and being so dark here and start being really cold...
That's a really nice shot. It makes me think of an aerial picture of the tundra.
Jeg trodde det var et satelittbilde....
Vakkert vinter - is-foto!
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