Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Great detail, Stefan !Not much snow, but very cold...
Wonderful shot ! The light was just perfect.
I would never have guessed your subject matter. Super get.
Very pretty
Wonderful contrast in the image, Stefan!
Kylan hjälper sannerligen till emellanåt. Kontrasterna, ljuset och detaljteckningen är superbra i denna härliga bild!
Looks more like a stack of ice!
Sounds chilly but a brisk walk can be sooooo invigorating. :)
-10°C is almost unimaginable here, but who knows... Amazing shot, by the way!
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Great detail, Stefan !
Not much snow, but very cold...
Wonderful shot ! The light was just perfect.
I would never have guessed your subject matter. Super get.
Very pretty
Wonderful contrast in the image, Stefan!
Kylan hjälper sannerligen till emellanåt. Kontrasterna, ljuset och detaljteckningen är superbra i denna härliga bild!
Looks more like a stack of ice!
Sounds chilly but a brisk walk can be sooooo invigorating. :)
-10°C is almost unimaginable here, but who knows... Amazing shot, by the way!
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