During her film career Christina Lindberg (whom you have met here on the blog) made 23 movies. Mostly exploitation and softcore. Her most famous movie was Thriller- A Cruel Picture, regarded as a cult movie today. One of her fans is Quentin Tarantino who based his character Elle Driver in Kill Bill on Madeleine, the role Christina plays in Thriller. The guys in the rock band Lugnet are also big fans of Christina, Grindhouse and rock from the 1970s. I got a call from their bass player Zethzon. He asked me if I could talk to Christina about a music video they were planning. Do you think she would be interested in partaking in the video? It will be in the style of a movie trailer from the 1970s. I told Zethzon that I could almost guarantee that she would say yes. Which she did, and the limited edition CD single was released yesterday along with a video that you can also see at YouTube.
Thanks for the links, Stefan, particularly to your previous post about her.
That was fun. I hope the CD and video do well.
Not exactly my genre, but it is funny and I wish her well...
Oh la! You don't want to mess with that mean mamma :) I enjoyed the music video Steffe, hope it's a hit in it's genre!
Very interesting. She can look pretty scary with that one-eye thing.
Watched the video... time passes.
Det här är häftigt på så många sätt! Svensk filmhistoria, Quentin Tarantino, kultrullen Kill Bill och uppe på det ett rockband med en musikvideo. Sammanhållande länk: Christina Lindberg. Ja precis, häftigt!
Beheading via noose and motorcycle... harsh!
Häftigt Steffe! Min salig morbror Tore, en gång bonde i Välsta, skulle ha gillat detta. Hans dåligt underhållna hus som han kallade Slottet låg precis där Christinas hus ligger nu.
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