The cold spell seems to be over. At least for a few days. We had +2C today. Can't remember when that happened last time. I got a pretty good workout yesterday when I spent some time removing the thick layer of ice that had formed on the stairs. Tools used for this free workout routine was an axe, a snow shovel and a spud bar.
And after all that, it still looks mighty slippery, Steffe.
If I ever need help with something like that, I'll call you. I'm old, you know, and have to watch my heart! :-)
They still look quite treacherous! Hope your warm weather lasts for a bit and melts the ice.
That looks like very hard work. Watch your step!
Je connaissais pas le nettoyage des marches d'escalier à la hache, impressionnant. Il faut faire vraiment attention quand on descend les escaliers
Guess what? We workout at the same gym. I would rather cut grass. Nice photo.
I will use some salt today to get rid of the last ice Julie. I have also removed some dangerous icicles hanging overhead, but there's many kilos of ice up on the roof, still to work on. Whenever I go in or out I have to look up and down to make sure it is safe!
The ice have been covered with hard snow for a while and that was the reason I waited with the removal.
An axe, a snow shovel and a spud bar. And a photo-camera.
wwooww, I would die of cold trying to break that ice. Get warm Steffe !!
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
You will get a laugh from our little mini-icicles. But it's been cold in Jackson! I wouldn't even have the tools to clean ice from the stairs/entrance!
OMG-looks terrible:)
First rule of any job, decent tools. Never needed an axe for my steps so far and hope I never will.
Julie is right, you be careful Steffe, they do look slippy.
Are these the steps of 'Bergdalen', Steffe?
Would you care to show us the name plate of your grandparents' house in an upcoming post?
There are two houses at Bergdalen. I live in the big house. It was built back in 1908 by my great grandparents. My grandparents lived in the other house, where my dad grew up. No name plate to show you Julie, but I can show you a then and now blog post about Bergdalen.
SOLID is på trappa.
Du vil ha enda større muskler enn sist år!
Håper øyet er bra igjen!?
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