I took my first street portrait of the year yesterday. This is
Ulf Andersson. He was out on a winter photo promenade (-10C), and when I spotted his Nikon camera I moved in for a portrait. He already knew who I was so I didn't have to explain too much. Uffe is a former engineer that for many years worked for Ericsson. Today he has his own company in a completely different field. Ulf repairs windows made from hand blown glass, and he also designs new windows in an old style. His parents owned one of Tungelsta's many greenhouse businesses, a place called Erikslund. The greenhouses are long gone, but today Ulf lives with his partner Maria at Erikslund. He is yet to set up a flickr account, but you can see a few photos at
Fotosidan, and he also told me to visit
Handlaget where you can see some of his work.