Friday, March 19, 2010

That Old Tree

That Old Tree

Guess where I have been? That's right, another promenade to the old tree at Välsta! My last winter visit a month ago was tough, as I should have used snow shoes. This time around it was easier. The snow was very hard, but as you can guess it was also more icy. No one around, and it doesn't look like there has been any horseback riders here for a while. No news yet about the big racecourse that is planned for this area, hopefully it will not happen.

Skywatch Friday


Verna Luga said...

this is a pure beauty. I love them....

mine is up too!
In This Side of Town
Anything Davao

Lowell said...

Love the old tree...looks great even when snowed in!

Clueless in Boston said...

That Old Tree just keeps getting better with age.

Jim said...

A top shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Chuck Pefley said...

An hopefully if it does happen this fantastic old tree will be spared and left in place!

Carletta said...

Beautiful shot!
I like how the clouds mimic the snow on the ground.

brattcat said...

Is it possible the snow is starting to recede a bit? The tree looks ready for spring to rise through its trunk and limbs.

Stefan Jansson said...

I sure hope so brattcat.

Hey there Chuck, I noticed that you had a blogger meet over there in Seattle, looks like it was a fun day!

Christina, Sweden said...

looking forward to see the tree in springtime with nice lightgreen leaves!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Mr. Tree with some grass. I predict April 3rd! ;)

Halcyon said...

It still looks lovely. I really enjoy seeing the same scene in different seasons.

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

You still have a lot of snow! I love the sky in the background. Your old tree is magnificent.

Louis la Vache said...

This looks a lot like the tree in Leif's masthead photo...