Winter has arrived. Just like that. At least for some people. The meteorologists had been warning for the snow fall for at least one week. Did that help? Not one bit. Everyone seemed very surprised and chaos has been a good word to use the last few days with accidents on and off the roads. On the top photo you can see me shooting a self portrait in a traffic mirror at the Tungelsta commuter station. Second photo shows snowed in bikes at the station, and the last photo shows an abandoned car in a ditch,also in Tungelsta.
superbe la premiere photo, bel autoportrait avec neige
Your first photo is very creative,and the other two shows what winter is like.... Tomorrow we will have snow, according to the wether man.
it is time for woolen clothes!
Hard to imagine people in your area would be taken by surprise by a snowfall.
I don't think snow is unusual in Stockholm? Have you seen any polar bears, too?
I love the first photo. Great idea!
But I'm getting cold just looking at those others!! Hope it warms up!
That's why it's great to live in Arizona (if you can survive 115 degrees in the summer)! Love the shots, especially your self-portrait.
Wow! Amazing pictures! The first one is a work of art! Congrats.
nothing like fresh snow...
I see :-) I'm just soooo surprised that it happens in Sweden.
Great to see your photos; I have been hearing all about the snow in Stockholm from my son who's on vacation; just left for the UK.
Looks like the snow storms in the US. Can't imagine how all those cyclists ignored the warnings; it's not like your area never gets any snow. First photo is wonderfully creative; enjoy the framing effect of the reflection.
I have to say the photos are rather pretty with all that snow. I like, especially the self-portrait and the bicycles.
But, you can have the snow. I do fine without it.
And go get your H1N1 shot...it doesn't hurt! And it's sure better than getting the flu!
That is a really cool, creative picture, perfectly framed. We expect our first snowfall tonight.
Thanks all. I have quite a few photos of that mirror.Check out this one from November last year. I will expect some winter photos then Gunn!
It's always a surprise. Ha. No polar bears spotted. It's not going to get warmer,I'm afraid, we are expecting a very cold night, around - 20C.
I can understand that Teresa.
Love the self-portrait, love the bikes but that last one makes me groan, remembering going off the road on black ice. Be careful, Steffe.
Cool self portrait - those round mirrors are irresistible for that!
I see you take your camera everywhere you go too like me :-)
I wish we got snow here in the winter.
Love the bike picture especially. Snow here too in upstate NY.
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