Friday, July 10, 2009



The biggest scare with the outbreak of the swine flu isn't that it could be as severe as the 1918 flu pandemic. No, the worst thing is that a lot of people wont be able to produce and consume for a long time! That's the interpretation by Klaus Appelt for the 2009 Art Promenade in Österhaninge, where the theme this summer is Money. This is the heaviest sculpture I have seen here. The pig and keyboard weighs in at more than 100 kilos. To show you a little more of the setting for the art promenade, here is another photo of the same sculpture taken from the nearby cemetery at the Medieval church.

Tombstone Angels


Anonymous said...

Interesting post. Neat sculptures.

Tinsie said...

I love both of these photos!

B SQUARED said...

Pigs get such a bad rap.

brattcat said...

I love these two photos, too, Steffe.

VP said...

I like this sculpture very much, not so the grandstanding interpretation of the artist.
Your second photo is wonderful, with this blurred menace lurking behind the idyllic scene of the two playing angels.

Lois said...

Very nice photos! I like them both, but I especially like the close-up of the two angels.

Don and Krise said...

Good post. And yes, that second pic is a winner.

Lowell said...

I'm sorry, but the first thing that came into my head was "Oink!"

Not a particularly attractive sculpture...

But your photo is well done and the second photo is superb!

PurestGreen said...

I love the concept of the pig sculpture, and especially like the keyboard he is standing on. Fantastic shots. You always choose the most fascinating subjects.

Clueless in Boston said...

Great title to your post. I really like the second photo.

lemon said...

I adored that photo with the angels, even if it is from a grave, it is full of life!
I did use it in my post with an extract from Marcel Proust...

Stefan Jansson said...

Thanks all. I don't think the pig was made to look attractive and as I noticed the name H1N1, it was quite easy to see the artists point.