I have shown you some of the local wildlife before. Like Moose and Roe Deer and all sorts of birds. But this is one of my favorites. The very photogenic squirrel Sciurus vulgaris. Known in Sweden as a Ekorre. It lives here at Bergdalen and is a frequent visitor to the veranda where it often enjoys the bird food. It's quite shy, and if and when you get too close it will make a noise and start to jump around a bit. But as it is well aware that I'm in charge of thee food distribution around here, it doesn't takevery long before it's back, ready to pose for the nutty photographer once again!
How nice to see a red one. The grey ones seem to colonise us. He's so cute!
How wonderful. The tufts on his ears make him look like a creature from Star Trek.
He's much prettier than the gray squirrels I have in my backyard! I love the ears on this one.
Wow, you are so lucky. I have not seen a red squirrel in the wild in many years. They are so cute.
No names, hobby and occupation for this citizen of Haninge?
I think a squirrel could make some money in your town opening up a salon to trim those ears.
She is lovely! Great shot!
Nice shot, I find it difficult to get good shots of squirrels, because as you say they are quite jumpy and very fast. I enjoy watching their acrobatics. Nutty photographer, I like that because I think we all are who go around taking pictures of everything. I feel almost naked if I leave my house without a camera:)
What a gorgeous little guy...he looks very healthy!
Great capture! I can't never take decent pictures of little creatures.
I almost missed this one... That color is wonderful and his 'will model for food' routine is not so bad for both of you. Great image.
So Steffe, did you get his story? Did he tell you a little about his family, the kids, where did he go to school? I see there are no piercings or hair dye, but obviously he's had his ears done. You are such an expert at the informal interview, I am sure that you can get animals to talk! "100 Stranger Animals I've Met" Terrific shot.
This is an old friend of mine. We meet every now and then. This particular squirrel enjoys eating, jumping from tree to tree and also hiding nuts. And when it can't be bothered to find any, it prefers bird food. Oh and it doesn't like the local cats. As for the ears it wouldn't say.
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