A promenade around Hesslingby in Österhaninge. A rural area where the Vikings used to live. They built the road I walked down. This is a rural area. A few horse farms, an old church and an art gallery. And a big golden rapeseed field. From watching this photo and the others in this flickr set I'm sure you can imagen the scent!
I like the gold color of the flowers reflected on the lower golden color of the house, or vice-versa I suppose. —Hello from San Antonio.
The collor of rapeseed is just beutifull I can only imagine how nicely it smells.
Hello from Jazzy Tuzla
oh gosh! whoever is staring there is so lucky to have the view! *sigh*
Wow, gorgeous color!
one of the reasons why it's soooooooooooooooo good to be alive! Breath-taking! wow......
Very very nice
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