Nedre Rudasjön. One of the two lakes at the nature reserve in Handen. Just a few minutes walk from the commuter station. Normally you would see a few more guys out on the ice, but yesterday it was just this guy. I arrived on my ebike. Ice and snow on most of the bike paths. I got a flat tire after 15 km. Had to walk with the bike for 5 km.
Sorry to hear about your flat Tyre. Living in that condition can be so tough
Sorry about the bike. That must have been a cold walk.
No, I was dressed for Winter so no such problems. And I was walking with the sun in my face for most of the promenade. And I rememberded to do my stretch routine when I got back home.
That looks so cold! What a bummer about the bike tire.
That must be annoying. And also found the cause?
Faulty tire maybe, I will have a word with one of my mechanics.
Fishing in general. Not my idea of a good time.
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