The annual rock festival in the park in Tungelsta took place yesterday. Trädgårdsrock. For the twentieth time. It was a very rainy affair. But the park soon filled up with people as it always does, no matter the weather. I stuck around for three of four acts. My camera doesn't really like rain so when it started to come down really hard I ran for home! First on stage was local singer Annie Kratz-Gutå with her band. She took part in the Melodifestivalen many years ago. The contest that determines the country's representative for the Eurovision Song Contest. You can see that clip here. She has also been in Idols Sweden. She sang in Swedish and talked a lot about her personal life in a fun way between songs.
Snyggt med konsertfoton! Tråkigt att regnet påverkade längden på ditt besök men fullt förståeligt. Det ostadiga vädret den senaste tiden har varit svårt att förutspå och det regnar när det inte ska göra det och är uppehåll när de utlovat regn. Du fick ju se några artister i alla fall och det är ju alltid något. :-)
Good atmosphere!
Your first shot is my favourite of the set.
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