For the last 9 years I have ended the year with a Winter Count. It is one photo from every month of the year. Last year was a year with many ups and downs, both personally, and weather-wise, which this collage clearly shows. The year started with a lot of snow, but the in May Summer arrived one month early, and stayed around much longer than usual. The first photo shows a skier at the very popular Rudan nature reserve in Handen. The second photo shows a man trying to clear the snow outside the restaurant across the road from where I live in Tungelsta. He had a tough day. I took the March photo on my first visit to the beach, there was ice everywhere at the Hårsfjärden Bay. April started with cold weather and the tree trunk stuck in the ice at the Lower Lake at Rudan shows just that. I met a very photo shy girl in May, Ronja. She did not want to have her photo taken. Two days later we met for a photo shoot/promenade around a lake in Handen and I think I cured her from that fear. You can see those photos here. June and July were hot! Seriously so. Which these two sunbathing females clearly shows. Photographed at Eskilsparken in Handen and at Nickstabadet in Nynäshamn. My favorite car event of the year for the last decade or so came to an abrupt end of sorts. The Vegabaren meet moved to Huddinge and Lissma park and it wasn't the same thing at all, although there were a lot of people and cool cars at the event. You can see those photos here. September was a fine Summer month last year as proven by the woman at my favorite beach. I took quite a few fine Autumn snaps in October. November arrived with cold days and a lot of mist. My photo of the old tree was a big hit over at flickr. Snow in December, back to normal I guess. Found the snowman across the road from the grocery store in Tungelsta.
That's a great year-end wrap up. It's good to pause and look back on the year to celebrate the joys and hopefully forget the not-joyful. Keep up the good shots in 2019 !
Suveränt kollage från fjolåret! Kul projekt att genomföra då bildmaterialet gås igenom på nytt och minnen kommer tillbaka under arbetets gång. Att välja ut EN bild per månad som är representativ är inte det lättaste men inspirerande och kul. Kanske har du kommit på årstidstypiska bilder som du bör ta kommande år?
Your shot of Ronja is my favourite.
Nästan omöjligt att välja endast en bild per månad. Brukar blanda mellan porträtt, naturbilder nästan alltid en bild på "mitt träd".
A very fine collection from 2018. I hope 2019 is wonderful for you and for your camera.
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