Sunday, January 29, 2017

That Old Tree

That Old Tree
Most of the snow is gone again. If you were to ask the meteorologists they would tell you that it many degrees warmer than normal. If you were to ask me I would tell you that it way too cold.


William Kendall said...

It's standing out well against that sky.

LOLfromPasa said...

I feel like I am meeting up with an old friend just now. Nice feeling. Thanks!

Lasse Jansson said...

Det var sannerligen inte särskilt behagligt utomhus under söndagen. Visst, termometern visade endast någon minusgrad, men det blåste lite grann och det var verkligen råkallt.

Trädet gör sig väldigt bra i avskalad form. Givetvis hade det för årstidens och variationens skull varit trevligt med ett snötäckt landskap som fond. Å andra sidan berättar nu din bild att denna vinter inte är särskilt kärv eller prövande. Hittills...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That old tree is an enduring wonder Steffe, even with its broken branch ☺ Keep warm!

Jack said...

Love that tree! It doesn't look cold, but I trust your description.