This mess is next to the highway to Stockholm, Road 73 at Vega in Handen. When they are done you will see a new elevated roundabout here. Back in the Viking Age this was the coastline so they will need a lot of piles in the ground here. In a day or two they will start the drilling and the blasting in preparation for a new bridge that will cross the highway and the old road which was were I was standing when I took this snap.
Betongpelarna ser ut att bilda en samling kristaller som sträcker sig upp från jorden. Intressant.
Att påla hör byggandet till på många platser där vi människor nu vill expandera. Mycket gammal sankmark finns det, tydligen.
That is a serious amount of work!
I have read somewhat that often out of chaos comes order. I certainly hope that's true in this case as this looks truly chaotic!
Blir intressant att följa bygget. Jag har en kompis som har utlovat härliga översvämmningar i området.
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