We had a snow storm yesterday. My bike ride home took twenty minutes longer than usual. It was very dark. I rode straight into the wind and was tossed right and left here and there. There was also a lot of tree branches on the walkways so I had to keep an eye out for those. In Västerhaninge I noticed that a big traffic sign was lying on a lawn close to the bike path, I'm guessing that the strong winds did that. Arriving home I decided to make a quick dinner, just in case. I then chatted to my brother who is in Nicosia, Cyprus, and he told me that he had just received a power outage warning for Tungelsta on his smart phone, (I used to have that app but had forgotten to install it on my new phone), so I warmed some water for a cup of tea and five minutes later everything went dark. So I sat in the dark with my tea before lighting a few candles. The power came back three hours later.
It does look like you got seriously hit!
You need to develop an aptitude for installing pertinent apps when they need to be installed.
That's a lot of snow. I imagine it can be very strenuous to ride a bicycle in that.
Sometimes we need to lose power to appreciate it.
Där har vi bilden igen, cykel under snö. En given succé! ;-)
Du var förutseende nog att värma dig en kopp te innan strömavbrottet. Att veta i förväg när strömmen ska försvinna låter som en önskedröm. När jag flyttade ut till Stigtomta 1993 hände det att vi hade strömavbrott men de senaste 15-20 åren har vi inte haft många störningar. Oj vad man är beroende av el och vad uppenbart det blir när den försvinner.
Det blåsten rejält i byarna häromdagen. Och vindriktningen var sydlig (?) vilket inte hör till vanligheterna. Det fick en stor reklamskylt på mitt jobbs byggnad att flyga all världens väg. Den har suttit där i säkert 10 år men den ovanliga vindriktningen fick fart på saker och ting.
I love the photo Steffe.. but blimey it looks so cold. Thank goodness you rang your brother, anything is survivable if you have a hot cup of tea :)
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