You can be sure of one thing. No matter how a "raggarbil" (car owned and used by a member of the subculture), looks or sounds, it is loved. Seriously loved. A raggare lives for his car. And the 1950s music. And the greaser girls. There were many rusty American cars at the big meet, and here are two of them. Theme Day. Rust and Ruins.
Fabulous cars, long may they last!
I agree only with two third of their credo: the girls and the music, but I guess the car is the more important for them...
It has rust but is still in good shape.
Jag gillar denna typ av skick på bilar allt mer. Kanske för att det syns allt oftare och det är "modernt" just nu. Originallack som ser allt mer anfrätt ut har sin charm. Huvudsaken är väl att bilarna hålls efter där det är viktigt för framförandet och säkerheten.
Back in the 50s here that black caddy meant 2 things prestige and $$$$$$$$. Both clssice American cars of yesteryear.
I sort of feel if they really loved the car, they would restore it. But I agree, it has a certain charm this way.
I should explain that there are several types of greaser cars. The ones I show here are made to look rusty. There are other that are in mint condition that are worth a lot of money and I have shown you many of those over the years and I will show you more in the coming days.
Made to look rusty? Well that's different Steffe and kind of perfect for today :)
not heard of reggears before - old fords here are often referred to as "biscuit tins with an engine in" - guess these are more like bourbons.
I had a car like that first one back when they were new! It was red with a white top. My parents had a car like the Cadillac. It was a tan color. Ah...the memories!
Lovely old cars!
What a great find
Rusty but loved - great title that sums it up perfectly. Good illustration of the rust and ruin theme.
This theme was made for you! We call those Rat Rods here.
So do we Pat, I just forgot to mention it!
thanks for visiting my blog :)
Id not heard of reggears before either.
I love old cars pleased its only made to look rusty :)
I don't know about their cars. I'd used a paintbrush on them... :-)
I'm amazed those are still road worthy.
I agree with Halcyon. They love it but they don't restore it? Uh, OK.
Two great classics!
They need a little bit of love.
The beauty of rust buckets... Great shots.
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