Hammarbo stands empty at the moment, so if you want an apple, just walk in and grab one. Snowy version from December of 2012. Apple blooming photo from earlier this month.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
The last time I ate an apple from a tree was in the last century...
It does seem a shame to waste all those apples :) Fab image Steffe.
Look at the difference in the color of the siding in the two photos. That tells us something about light.
It's very interesting to see the scene in snow and summer.
I hate to see all that fruit wasted, though I suspect many birds have found it.
What a contrast in images! I'm sure the birds and the squirrels and other critters are making good use of the apples.
You do these shots so well, Steffe!
I love the way you have done this.
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