Election Day. Sure is glad that it will be over soon. I have been trying very hard not to see all the election posters. That type of propaganda always get me angry. Locally and nationally it looks like a Red/Green coalition will take over, but you never know before that fat lady turns up I guess. I leave you with a local scandal. Everything was looking good for top politician and Social Democrat Robert Noord (blue shirt to the left). He was on his way to become the next Mayor of Haninge. But it's an election year and if there's something in your closet, chances are that it will come out. And it did, with just a week left to the election and today his career is history. So what did he do? He used his phone too much. He had the hots for a much younger woman in another political party (M), and in the end he sent her one too many text messages talking about how much power he had and what he could do for her if she just...
Oups, det gäller att se upp och visst är det en privatsak som grävts fram i den skandal du beskriver men framförallt tyder det på extremt dåligt omdöme och sådana människor vill vi inte ska styra vårt samhälle. Men de gör det ändå...
Jag har inför detta val inte orkat se allt tjafs och käbbel på TV. Struntprat med högt röstläge från alla håll. Det är inte i slutspurten av en valrörelse som sanningen kommer fram om vad vi ska ha för slags samhälle. Tyvärr är den politiska dialogen i samhället nästan ett svunnet kapitel och hur vi vill att vi alla ska ha det, lokalt och globalt, överlåter vi med viss uppgivenhet till en maktelit att helt bestämma själva.
I see that your politicians are not so much better than ours...
After the last couple of years of politics in the States, I'm ignoring it all. It's just too heartbreaking.
Oops. Bye-bye.
That'll teach him to behave himself.. Oh hang on he doesn't have to now :)
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