This is Björn Hellberg. A living oracle when it comes to tennis. He knows every fact of every game set and match ever played (more or less). He hasn't missed a Wimbledon tournament for nearly 50 years. He is a sport journalist, and also a well known author. He has written a biography about Björn Borg. These days he is also a very popular crime writer, and has written 25 novels. He was busy at a book signing when I spotted him in the mall in Handen today. But in general he is best known for a TV show called På Spåret. It is a very popular quiz show about geography. He competed four times and won every year. That was too much for the show so they made him a judge a job he had for some 20 years.
Quite an accomplished man!
He would be an interesting person to know. And, your portrait is excellent. A REAL close-up.
Quite the interesting fellow. Nice portrait !
Tennis bores me. Borg didn't!
An unusual knowledge and a fine portrait!
Kanonporträtt av en härlig personlighet! Det inte han vet är inte värt att veta... Cool med en man som kan rabbla ställningen från en tennismatch på 70-talet, från tredje gamet i andra set. :-)
Mr Hellberg is a busy man Steffe, you were lucky to catch him here :)
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