The old tree took a hit during the big thunderstorm two weeks ago. I was here when the storm started, but managed to get home unharmed. On my very short visit last week I only took a quick photo but thought the tree looked a bit different. Then on Saturday I met Christina during the rock festival and she told me that the old tree had lost two big branches. I took this photo from the side and it is easy to see the damage done.
It's like seeing a friend in the hospital. And as my wife would say, "getting old ain't for sissies".
il etait magnifique,quelle dommage !
Poor old dear!
Sad to see this damage.
Poor tree...
Poor indeed. It needs some love and caring.
Ouch. I hope the tree gets some attention. Some pruning might help it.
Uh oh! This tree is familiar ... how many times would you say you have posted it's picture?
I have 391 photos of the old tree in my flickr set. Taken over the last nine years. This photo is not one of them as I shot it from a different angle. And I have a few others like this so I would guess that I have taken at least 400 photos of the Swedish Whitebeam. If you mean here on the blog I can't give you a specific number.
ooohhh!!! but its still standing!!
Oh no! Not what I was expecting to find in your next shot of this tree.
Steffe if anything REALLY drastic happens to the old tree that we've all come to love.. there could be trouble :)
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