Still standing. A soon to collapse building at a horse farm in Tungelsta. Or at least that was what I thought when I first photographed it two years ago but it was still there yesterday as you can see. To find the best angle I ended up shooting this from a snow filled ditch.
Allt för konsten. :-)
Ett fint litet hus i all sin skröplighet. Och bra presenterat!
This is what real estate agents in the States would call a fixer-upper. You've got a beautiful shot there !
Great picture, amazing building. I like Stuart's comment about the fixer upper
It does look like it's on its last legs, but if it's looked like that for two years, who knows how long it might stay up?
Watch out for avalanches.
The highest point in all of Södertörn is Tornberget at 111 Metres above sea level and that isn't really a mountain at all so no avalanches here!
How on earth has it survived your wild winter weather Steffe, looks like a strong wind would blow it down :)
Wind and snow should do the demolition job on this poor shack. Until then, it is picturesque.
Good one, Steffe. Amazing how some of those very old structures go on, and on, and...
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