That would be a good response to the question: what's up-ahead here do you think? The answer is the Krigslida bridge, although it is totally submerged in fog here. This was the misty scene at the newish walkway/bike path between Krigslida and Västerhaninge earlier in the week.
I can feel the dampness emitting from your photo.
Hopefully the only thing between you and your destination is more fog.
Looks like you could ride off into forever.
I can't believe how little snow you have!
It wouldn't take long to vanish into that. It feels quite desolate in the mist.
Steffe, you have the photographic skill to take a common scene like this and make it beautiful.
Mu guess would have been a small cinema showing a moody, B&W Ingmar Bergman film. Beautiful, evocative photo.
What Bob saiid :)
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