The Tower. Tornet. By Jan Håfström. At the park in Tungelsta. "It marks the border and the connection between the dead and the living. Between times gone by, and the present. Between history and the current day" Theme Day. Entry.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Certainly is an unusual entrance. . .looks cold and uninviting!
oh that's interesting!
That is a very unusual sort of entry and gets one to thinking.
Aha, det är en konstinstallation. Inte så tokigt alls, t.o.m. jag förstår någorlunda vad konstnären beskriver med sitt konstverk. (Utan textraderna skulle jag däremot gå bet.)
Intriguing. I'm hoping not to cross that border for awhile yet.
I like that one very much.
An entry and an exit all in one.
Very creative idea about entries. I'm not ready for that entry as of yet. MB
The connection between the dead and the living? Well, it is an entry of one kind, but it also depresses the hell out of me!
This is intriguing. Without context the viewer can't get a sense of scale. We don't know what the significance is to the dead, or what lies inside the tower. All the more interesting.
A very different take on the theme day, but I like it. It is sometimes good to consider one's mortality.
Well well Steffe, this has to be one of the most unique 'entries' for the theme.. Nice one :)
I had to Google this. Another shot of yours (Flickr) came up showing this sculpture from a different angle. Terrific choice for theme day.
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