December started with a storm. I was out on a bike ride and came to a complete stand still because of the strong headwind when I was at Stav. When I came back home I was hoping for a cup of coffee. But instead there was a power outage. And everything went pitch dark. That is never any fun. It lasted all afternoon. So the Swedish word of the day is Strömavbrott. Power outage. And I got a good photo for the theme day standing on the veranda looking out at all the blackness. Theme day. Looking out.
Great picture Steffe. Sorry about the storm and power outage.
No, you got an 'excellent' photograph!
Love it! Hope you have lots of power now.
And all by candle light! Very nice.
Beautiful illustration and color palette. It happens here occasionally but is not as dramatic.
Good theme day post.
using a power outage as an opportunity to get an excellent photo is an example of what we would call getting lemons and making lemonade.
Very cool picture!
I hate it when the power goes out in winter.
What a great composition, and in tricky lighting conditions ! Bet that coffee tasted pretty good when you finally got it.
Looks like you made the best of a bad situation!
This is a great image, simply beautiful !
Oh well done Steffe, you definitely made the best of a bad situation.. Looks like a campout :)
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