Note to self. Never go for a bike ride during a storm. That's what I did yesterday. It was a very tough workout so when I rode down this straight at Stav in Tungelsta I didnt have the strength to pedal, so I stopped for a photo.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Nice photo and good advice on when not to good for a bike ride.
Good that you had a stop!:)
Hello from Stavanger.
Love this one!
You must have ridden long enough for the storm to pass, the sun to come out, and some of the clouds to clear.
The storm picked up while I was out riding.
Some storm facts here.
Nice shadow and self portrait!
Nice idea!
Are you really as lean as your shadow?
The tired steffe!
I karlstad blåste det ned både cyklar och träd igår, så det var inte en lokal storm du råkade ut för :-)
Det där landskapet fungerar inte in på min bild av kungliga Stockholm. Hur långt ifrån Haninge Downtown är du där?
Det är ca 30km från Tungelsta till den kungliga huvudsaken.
Love it. Winter barrenness with a hint of human exhaustion.
Of course I am Karl, that is what a lot of cycling will do to you!
Like yesterdays post this is a beautifully thought out image Steffe..Karl's question and your answer made me smile :)
That is outstanding! Both you and the photo !
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