Rune Carlsson grew up in this now abandoned little house at Stav in Tungelsta with his brothers and parents. He was a very good friend to my father. He was always very happy when you saw him. Growing up he learned to play the accordion, and he would often play at the local folkparks In Haninge. Rune passed away a couple of weeks ago.
Looks like it has seen better days - haven't we all.
The house has seen better days, but it has held many memories. May your friend Rune RIP.
Looks like it is going to fade away in nature and history. Still looks great in this pretty decay. Thanks for showing.
Reminds us that things and ourselves do not last forever, so we best enjoy them while we can.
It's always sad to see a once loved home going to pieces, and of course to lose an old friend.
During a recent road trip I collected a series of photos of abandoned gas stations. I had a strange encounter with one in the middle of the Utah desert.
Det är inte ofta man ser svenska villor i sånt skick. Snyggt dokumenterat till eftervärlden Steffe. Och snyggt konverterat till svart/vitt.
Exceptionally beautiful photo.
Sad that the old house is left abandoned. It still looks a charming little place and must hold some memories.
That's a very nice "beauty of decay" photo and a poignant story.
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