I'm hoping to visit a motorcycle event tomorrow. If I'm lucky I will get a few shots of interesting bikes and the odd portrait. I found this chopper at the Port 73 mall in Handen a couple of days ago. It is built by the owner so it is a unique bike. Shot this using the Brenizer method and the nifty fifty. Lots of people walking in and out of the frame while I took the photos, but I managed to remove them during the stitching. Oh, and that red bicycle in the background is my Colorado bike.
Grymt häftig hoj! Och då menar jag kanske framförallt den i förgrunden (även om den röda i bakgrunden säkert också är go att åka på...)
Hoppas du hinner fota fler motorcyklar och framförallt deras ägare då det brukar vara en färggrann skara människor! :-)
cool shot! what is the benzier method?
It's a fun, but tricky technique of shooting. I use my 50mm lens at f/1.8 and shoot several photos of a person or object, just like when you shoot a panoramic image, I then stitch those photos together to create an image with a very shallow depth of field. More facts here.
Well, it all turned out to be a terrific photo. Fantastic, in fact!
Nicely composed and stitched! Sounds like you do a lot of work to produce a photograph!
Wow, Stefan, this is really cool, a unique piece!
Too cool for me, I choose your red Colorado bike ;)
Nice to see your bike in background: this chopper is awesome and the photo is perfectly composed!
That's a pretty amazing ride. It looks like it's completely free of any specks of dust or dirt. Its maker definitely poured a lot of love into it.
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